How can I prevent varicose and spider veins?

Not all varicose and spider veins can be prevented, but there are some steps you can take to decrease your risk.

  • Exercise regularly to improve your circulation and improve your overall health. Walking and running are some of the best exercises you can do to help your leg circulation.
  • Elevate your legs while you’re resting to let gravity help relieve the pressure in your leg veins.
  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your legs. Control your weight, avoid repetitive strenuous activities, and don’t keep your legs crossed for prolonged periods of time.
  • Avoid standing still or sitting for prolonged periods of time. Your calf muscles are the pump for your leg veins. Use them! When you are standing, shift your weight from one foot to another. When you are sitting, flex your feet up and down. Get up and take a walk periodically.
  • Wear compression stockings for support if you will be standing or sitting for a prolonged period of time. Particularly, people who work in jobs that require these activities may benefit from getting in the habit of wearing compression stockings at work.
  • Eat a healthy diet low in salt and high in fiber. Fiber helps decrease the risk of constipation which increases pressure on leg veins. Salt contributes to water retention which can cause swelling in the legs.

Posted in: Varicose Veins