Archive for the "Varicose Vein Treatment" Category

New Varicose Vein Treatment Brings Results

JoshB Varithena

Dr. Jones Successfully Treats Previously Unresolved Vein Condition Joshua B.: This success story from Michigan Vein Care Specialists exemplifies the importance of selecting a dedicated and knowledgeable Phlebologist. Before receiving treatment from Dr. Jones, Josh had multiple prior treatments by… READ MORE

Won’t I need these veins?

Dr. Suzanne Jones

Have you talked to a friend or searched online about various treatments for your varicose or spider veins? Were you left with more questions than answers? Do you want to get treatment but the concept of removing veins concerns you?… READ MORE

Summer is a great time for varicose vein treatment

Summer is a great time for varicose vein treatment Summer’s here, and that means it’s time to don skirts and shorts and enjoy the warmer weather and outdoor fun. It’s a time for kicking off your shoes and putting on… READ MORE

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins Treatment options to get rid of varicose veins are now more effective, faster and more convenient than ever. If the sight of these bulging veins hampers your self-confidence or the discomfort they cause… READ MORE

Venous Disease In Men

Learn about the misconception that varicose veins and other venous diseases are strictly a woman’s problem. Some men have the misconception that varicose veins and other venous diseases are strictly a woman’s problem. They may remember their mom’s swollen veins… READ MORE

Want healthier veins? Head to the market

Want healthier veins? Head to the market Good nutrition is important for many aspects of health, including keeping your circulatory system functioning properly. When it comes to vein health, all nutrients aren’t created equal; some offer more benefits than others…. READ MORE

Varicose Vein Treatment-Good News and Bad

Varicose Vein Treatment–the Bad and the Good News Actually, the good news concerning varicose veins far outweighs the bad news. It is important, however, to always know about the “cons,” as well as the “pros.” By knowing about potential problems,… READ MORE

When to Call a Vein Doctor for Varicose Veins

If you have enlarged, twisted, or discolored veins just underneath the surface of your skin, you may have varicose veins. Caused by weak valves and veins, this condition is most common in the legs and ankles, where veins must work… READ MORE

Using Yoga to Supplement a Vein Center Visit

If you have varicose veins in your legs — enlarged, twisted, or discolored veins just beneath the skin — then yoga could help you reduce troublesome symptoms. When used as recommended by Michigan vein doctors, certain yoga poses can help… READ MORE

5 Most Important Questions to Ask Your Vein Clinic

As a general rule, you should always compose ahead of time a set of your most pressing questions whenever you visit a healthcare provider. This will help prevent your forgetting something important and, considering how pressed for time most healthcare… READ MORE